Guitar Picking Shoulder Pain: The Ultimate Guide

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Last updated on June 12th, 2023 at 05:44 am

If you’re a guitar player, you know that shoulder pain is a common problem. Many guitarists experience pain in their picking shoulder, and it can be a real hindrance to playing.

This article will help you understand the causes of “guitar picking shoulder pain” and discuss possible solutions to prevent it from occurring again in the future as well as how to relieve the pain. 

What Causes Shoulder Pain In Your Picking Hand?

Shoulder aches when picking the guitar might be caused by several different reasons. Some of these are: 

Practicing Without Rest

If you play the guitar for extended periods and get shoulder pain as a result, you might want to think about cutting down the total amount of time spent playing and increasing the number of rests you take in between sets. 

Uncomfortable Straps 

A poorly designed guitar strap is perhaps the most common cause of shoulder strain. As you attempt to reach the frets, the guitar strap may be positioned incorrectly on your back and shoulders, and it may also be bent out of shape. 

When it comes to playing, this is not the best angle. Your strap has to be adjusted so that it sits higher on your shoulder, as this will lessen the amount of shoulder pain you experience.

Improper Posture 

When playing the guitar, poor posture is a major contributor to the development of shoulder pain. Check to see that neither your body nor your guitar is held in a posture that makes playing the instrument uncomfortable. 

poor posture causes shoulder pain

It is common practice for players to have developed a habit of playing in a particular position over several years, and it may take some time to correct improper playing posture and position. 

Using a Weighty Guitar 

If played standing up, this might place a lot of tension on your shoulder. Consider switching your electric guitar for one that is lighter, like the Stratocaster model. A full-sized acoustic guitar like Agile guitars can be too weighty for some people. 

Use a 34-sized guitar, which is a lot smaller and easier to play. A lighter guitar alleviates a great deal of stress on the arm. If you’re going to play the guitar, make sure you’re using a guitar that’s as comfy as possible.

Playing on Repeat Mode 

Shoulder aches from playing the guitar can also be caused merely by the repetitive motion of playing the instrument. Be sure to give yourself lots of rest periods and perform the right exercises so that your joints and back may move as freely as possible.

Incorrect Wrist Angle

When you play, your hand has a significant impact on how you feel. As a result of strain in the wrist, it might spread to other parts of the body, including the shoulder. The wrist should always be as loose as possible while playing. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself by putting too much force on your hand.

How To Relieve Guitar Picking Shoulder Pain

Instead of trying to STRAIGHTEN your back, one of the best things you can do to enhance your posture is to lengthen your back instead. When people attempt to straighten their backs, they usually end up arching their backs instead, which is a problem. 

Imagine that there is a string attached to the ceiling that is pulling your head towards the ceiling. This will help you lengthen your back. Improving your posture is the easiest way to protect your body from acquiring stress, soreness, and even numbness, all of which can be caused by poor posture.

On the other hand, if you play the guitar while standing, your posture should be quite similar to the posture you use when you play while seated. When you are standing up, the neck of your guitar should be about at the correct height for you to play it. Because the majority of people prefer to have the guitar slightly lower, some minor adjustments will need to be made to accommodate this preference. 

This will prevent the feeling of being suffocated by the guitar. Pay attention to your wrist and make sure that it is not bent too much when you are playing (this happens when the guitar is too low).

However, make sure that your shoulders are NOT raised when you are playing open chords (which happens when the guitar is too high). Spend some time experimenting with different heights for the guitar to determine what feels most natural to you.


Finally, the best piece of advice that could be given is to not worry about it. You should be alright as long as you take pauses whenever you experience pain or tension. Yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, and physical activities are all ways to relieve stress. 

Take some time to experiment with each of these strategies and find which one works best for your situation! Even so, if your discomfort persists, you may want to consult with your physician.


How Do I Relax My Shoulder For Guitar?

Raise your shoulders gradually up toward your ears while you are either standing or sitting with your arms by your sides and your back in a straight position. Wait right here for a few moments. Bring your shoulders back down to your ears slowly. Repeat 5 times.

How Do I Stop My Shoulder From Hurting When I Play the Guitar?

If your shoulder is aching while playing the guitar, it is always a good idea to warm up. Do a few simple shoulder workouts. Always move after playing for a while, and if that does not help, keep some ice packs on your shoulders.

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